Wealth Presentation - Wallstreet Alliance Group

Wealth Presentation


Due to advances in medical care and improvement to our ways of life, people are living longer and remaining in better health. Global life expectancy increased by 5.5 years between 2000 and 2016, which was the fastest increase since the 1960s. While this is a great thing about the modern age, the biggest fear as one grows older is running out of money. Many financial plans do not take the longer lifespan of people into consideration, leaving clients at risk, particularly when there could be market downturns or other volatilities that will affect your retirement savings.

Based on the premier that average returns will be between 7.5% and 9%, most retirement planning only looks at this information. What is generally not taken into account is the sequence of those returns and how they will occur. Working with an average, no one can predict exactly which years will be up and which will be down. This sequential risk is one of the biggest risks to your finances, rather than the fact that from time to time, the market will crash. The biggest risk is that the worst returns of that average will occur in the early years of your retirement.

This is why we at Wall Street Alliance Group want to make sure that your wealth is protected by our active management style and the careful monitoring we do to keep your assets in the best positions. We believe that the key to financially independent success is not the money you have made, but rather the amount of money you keep during your retirement.


Fall in love with your clients and you’ll have all the success you could want.

Tony Robbins
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